In November 2015 we were lucky enough to have a visit from Cynthia a keen enthusiastic Ocean saver from Texas USA, She dived with TRACC to see how we conserve coral reefs, she planted corals and helped us with the biggestsharkinborneo. We discussed tactics and explored ways to save the sharks, turtles and biodiversity of the planet.
Become a volunteer in 2016 here
Rescued sharks
Conservation projects 2016For more information, please check our website or e-mail info@tracc-borneo.org

The main website is at tracc.org
Check out our social media posts on our activities
on fb tracc.borneo
on twitter tracc_borneo
on google + tracc
Instagram traccborneo
PS, we can't always guarantee that there will be a model on the beach but we can guarantee awesome diving and snorkelling :-)