It was quiet
during our return trip from Light House. The weather was hot, but the sea was
wavy and the water was cold. Everyone was tired after the harsh condition of
the routine work dive. Max was our boatman that day. Even this humorous guy was
not as chatty as he usually was.
I was deep in my own thought when
the boat suddenly came into a halt. “Something’s wrong?” Max never stopped the
boat without warning unless there’s a problem with the engine. “Something
jumped out from the sea surface…seems like a dolphin.”
I was astonished. “Really!? Dolphin? Where??” Everybody in the boat was
stirred upon hearing the word DOLPHIN.
“Right----over there,” Max replied with his usual comical manner,
“slightly to your left.” We brought ourselves to the side of the boat and gazed
towards the direction Max pointed at. Someone fetched the camera and started

We climbed back into the boat and Max brought the boat towards the school of dolphins. We were literally chasing after them. The dolphins seemed to realize our approach and jumped out of the sea a couple of times. I fancy they were greeting us in dolphin’s custom, haha.
We followed the dolphins for some time, and managed to get close enough
to tape some videos to show our friends before heading back
to camp. It was totally awesome. Now I have another thing to brag to my friends
about my stay with TRACC.